(as our december sun is setting)

The past two weeks, the last two weeks and moments of my 2k13 were spent with my loved ones. With good friends and of course my family. I’ve never been more grateful and blessed to have these people in my life and actually staying in it – even if it’s meeting once/twice/thrice a year. I haven’t met Nura, Dania and Blossom in like months and even if it’s just over dinner or an afternoon with them, it still meant something to me. The fact that they’re all still… pretty much the same from the last time we caught up. The feeling was comforting.

I cannot emphasize further on how much i love spending time with my family. I wish that when i have a family of my own in future, it’d be similar to the kind that my family currently has.

Little Black Jacket with Blossom

I’d just like to say that everyone should have a friend like Blossom :) she’s like the sweetest friend anyone could ever have. (which kinda makes me feel like a shit of a friend………………………. but i am ever so grateful to have her company)

I don’t even remember when was the last time i met these two?? Probably like MONTHS ago. But even if it was a dinner meet up, it was a good catching up dinner sesh eating japanese/korean food.

Izra Kenshin’s 1st birthday bash + family fun

The theme was samurai x… Cause of his name ‘Kenshin’ duh.

Yes, Izra got a Volvo car for this first birthday……………… And a SHITLOAD of other toys. (I gave him a kanken mini :3 hehe)

I haven’t been cycling in a rEALLY long time… Like i think a year? or 2? I forgot. And i miss cycling. Had SO much fun cycling with my cousins. Plus, aren’t the bicycles cute?


Dinner at I Am Cafe and then caught The Secret Life of Walter Mitty movie. It was such a heart warming movie. It reminded me so much of Nat Geo photographs from the magazine… That movie is making me travel hungry.

I Am Cafe at Haji Lane. Pasta was good!

Last Sunday
